The Happy Harper's

The Happy Harper's

Thursday 4 October 2012

~Fall Colours, Walks, and Fishing~

We are now in Woodstock, New Brunswick.   The scenery is starting to change and the colours are incredible.  You can't quite capture the beauty in a photograph, but believe is amazing.

This is the view from our campsite - it is right on the Saint John River and is just so beautiful.

The fog was just "sitting" on the river early  this morning.  It was so still and peaceful.

The kids had a blast catching small silver bass in zippy bags !!!!  This morning they progressed from zippy bags and my sieve and colander to big washing tub - you can catch waaayyyy more that way !!

We were able to walk along this lovely trail from our campsite into Woodstock - the first town in New Brunswick with so many lovely historical buildings.

The day was so warm yesterday but by the evening it had chilled down so we sat by our "fire" to warm up.   Gran and Grandad are in the distance trying their luck at fishing.
WOW - just as it was getting darker Travis caught one - Yay.
Then Becky got one...................
then..........Shae .

Thanks Gran and Grandad for letting us use your rods and for the fun time!

1 comment:

  1. looks absolutely gorgeous! And congratulations on the caught fish : )
